AI training to familiarise teachers with deepfake, privacy concerns

3 weeks ago 99

An artificial intelligence (AI) training programme for teachers is getting under way in the State. Likely to be the first such comprehensive exercise in the country, the programme will be held for 80,000-odd teachers from May 2 to August 31.

The module for the training was released recently in Munnar, Minister for General Education V. Sivankutty said.

The training aims at equipping teachers to use the latest technology in classrooms. Each teacher will be given practical training using a laptop with Internet facility and a mobile phone. Besides the possibilities of AI, the teachers will be familiarised about its limitations, and areas such as deepfake and privacy problems.

In the first phase, teachers for Classes VIII to XII will be given the training. This will be followed by the training for primary and upper primary schoolteachers.

All teachers will be given practical training in AI by December 31 to create another Kerala model, Mr. Sivankutty said.

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